Cotton Candy WATA akari は、現在準備中です。

Act on Specified Commercial Transactions



Seller's Address


Tokyo港区六本木三丁目2番1号 住友不動産六本木グランドタワー 37F BASE株式会社

Address for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding Cotton Candy WATA akari.


Phone number for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding Cotton Candy WATA akari.

Hours & Shop Information

Business hours

Open:9a.m. ー 7p.m.
Close:Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

About Price

Price is included tax.
Each order charges shipping fee.

About Payment Billing Date

Payment: Paypal only

Please double-check your country's customs regulations. Each country has different rules regarding the customs fee and tax. If you get charged for any customs fees or taxes, we are not responsible to cover it. Please keep in mind that we do not have control over the import taxes because customs taxes are charged by your local government.

Shipping Date

Ship within 5days

Notes on Refund and Returning Goods

Return policy:
Unless the product is defective, we basically do not accept returns neither refund.
Please check your products, and let us know your troubles within three days after you received. After three days, we do not solve your problems.